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7 October 2020

Madison Friend, artist, activist and feminist.

Madison Friend believes that we need to make the world more equal, and she thinks you should too.


Friend is an intersectional feminist, artist, activist and most recently, an author. Her new book 'Women don't owe you pretty' is all about the inequalities between genders and about female empowerment. She describes it as 'a stepping stone into feminism' and it is to be read by anyone who is interested in equality. Her book rebels against stereotypes and makes you question society and the way it is ran.


Feminism has always interested Madison, she says 'ever since I was a child, I knew I was seen as not equal to men. I was patronised for being a woman.' This feeling followed Madison throughout her life and she decided she needed to make a change and make sure other women do not feel this way since young. She set it upon herself to make woman all over the world feel worthy and equal. 


She first started her quest for equality by creating feminist art that she sold at local markets, these included quotes such as 'maybe it's a girl crush, maybe your queer' which is about the patriarchy wanting women to be straight. Friend believes that sexuality is a spectrum, yet many women suppress their feelings towards women due to fear of the patriarchy. She suppressed her romantic feelings towards women for years by passing them off as a 'girl crush', she believes this a term that society made up to invalidate bisexual women. Coming out as bisexual when she was 14, Friend believes that more women need an extra push of bravery to come out as it is too scary for them to open up to society, she argues that this book is that extra push. 


“I want to encourage women to question the world that they were born into,” Friend tells Rebel Magazine. “I want them to find their power and realise that they should never settle for less than they deserve.” The aim of this book, she believes,



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